Peer Review Process

Journal of Contributions of Science and Technology for Engineering peer review policy is based upon a Double-Blind peer-reviewing system.


This step is carried out by the submitting author via our manuscript submission system. If the submitting author differs from the corresponding author, the journal manager will create a new account for the corresponding author to manage all subsequent communications on our platform. The manuscript undergoes a plagiarism assessment using similarity detection software. Based on the results of this assessment, the manuscript will either proceed to the review phase or be rejected due to excessive similarities. Manuscripts are considered acceptable if the similarity percentage is below 15%.

Initial Assessment:

The executive manager of the journal conducts a comprehensive review of each manuscript to ensure compliance with the submission guidelines and to verify that all required data and supplementary materials are included. Should the manuscript fail to meet these criteria, it may be unsubmitted and returned to the authors for the inclusion of necessary materials or for revisions in accordance with the journal's guidelines.

Editor-in-Chief Assessment:

The Editor-in-Chief will review the manuscript to ensure it fits within the journal's scope and meets the criteria of originality and impact. This initial evaluation may result in rejection or suggested revisions by the editor.

Reviewers Suggestion and Invitation:

The editor-in-chief at this stage directly send invitations to experts in the field. The editor-in-chief may also consult other specialized associate editors to select reviewers. The procedure of inviting will continue until two reviewers have accepted the invitation, and the status of the manuscript will remain "under review".

First Decision After Review:

Upon review of the article, the journal board will make a decision based on the evaluation reports from the reviewers. In the event of conflicting reports, an additional reviewer may be invited. Once this step is completed, the journal board must make a decision from four available options.

  • Acceptance
  • Minor revision required
  • Major revision required
  • Rejection

The decision, along with reviewers' reports, is sent to the corresponding author to aid in the revision process or clarify the rejection.

Revision and Re-submission:

Once the author has made the necessary revisions, they will submit the manuscript again, along with any additional data that is deemed necessary.  The author should submit a detailed report outlining the changes made based on the reviewer's feedback and addressing any queries from the editor or other reviewers.

Final Decision:

The journal's editorial board will make the final decision after revisions. If the revision was satisfactory, the manuscript is accepted and sent to the publisher.