About Journal

The Journal of Contributions of Science and Technology for Engineering, the official publication of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Mazandaran University, invites researchers worldwide to submit their original research papers. The editorial team is in search of a broad range of submissions, which includes research articles, reviews, commentaries, and other scholarly formats, to promote the exchange of knowledge among the global engineering research community. This journal aims to be a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners across academic, governmental, and industrial sectors.


Bibliographic Information and Journal Policies:

 Title   Contributions of Science and Technology for Engineering
 ISO Abbreviation   Contrib. Sci. & Tech. Eng.

  Engineering and technical Sciences

  Natural Science

  Physical Science

 Language   English
 Start Year   2024
 Frequency   Quarterly
 Director-in-Charge   Ghasemi, Jamal.
 Editor-in-Chief   Ghasemi, Jamal.
 Place of Publication   Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran.
 Publisher   University of Mazandaran
 Status   Active
 URL   cste.journals.umz.ac.ir
 Email   cste@umz.ac.ir
 Type of Access   Open Access (OA)
 Type of License   Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)
 Refereed   Double-Blind Peer Review
 Document Identifier Type   DOI:
 Plagiarism Detection Software   iThenticate
 Article Processing Charge (APCs)   No publication fee. The expenses of this journal are bcovered by the budget of University of Mazandaran